Nothing jumpstarts change like change. The pandemic that brought isolation and frustration, brought the time to make them work. Suddenly, closets were purged, basements, attics, and garages became more organized than they’d been since move-in day. Bathrooms and kitchens were reno’ed (that supply chain thing notwithstanding). Minimalistic moms became internet sensations. Stuff got done.
The Village Council was no exception.
Strap yourself in. This is only a fraction of what they’re up to Downtown.
A Whole ‘Nother Kind of Complicated.
Seemed like a slam dunk. The Caucus’s Annual Survey said bury Winnetka’s power lines.
The Village’s been waiting for critical mass on this one for a loooong time. Evidently, too long. Cue climate/technology/consumer behavior and nothing less than the very future of power generation in Winnetka.
Conundrum times two.
On February 15th, our Environment and Forestry Commission (gold star if you knew we had one) presented the Metro Mayors Climate Action Plan (CAP) to the Village Council for its official stamp. Hoping to be more than just 122 pages of good intentions on bad paper, it attempts to address what Winnetka can do – alone and with our neighbors – to make sure our air, water, and waste problems don’t get worse. Or multiply.
Twenty-seven munis have signed it. We make that 28. And because our Environment and Forestry has a heavy hand in crafting the Sustainability Chapter of the work-in-progress Comprehensive Plan, expect much of these issues to find their way to the VC's agenda.
Then there's this: We don’t just consume energy. We own the plant. And until 2035, Winnetka is hand-in-glove with the Illinois Municipal Electric Agency (IMEA) to sell them electricity for a break on our wholesale price.
Our plant’s built with bonds that run to the end of the IMEA agreement. If we cut and run before that – as some other municipalities have done – we’re still on the hook for the debt.
The VC’s got some thinkin’ to do. And it's hoping the Comp Plan will give them a little direction. This issue’s got legs, but a long tail. Expect to live with those poles a bit longer.
PS - While you're waiting, and maybe wondering what's with solar, check out the Village's Energy Initiatives.
Green Bay Road Project – Forlorn Not For Long
Smelling the coffee.
Best part of waking up, says the Village Council who after years – make that decades – decided it's time to do something with that parcel on the corner of Winnetka and Green Bay. Turns out lots of people had the same idea. Embarrassment of riches, as the VC must now decide between three what-they-think-are-excellent ops to perk up that corner.
Stay tuned for coffee, croissants, and mucho matcha lattes. Follow the progress here.
Stormwater Solution - Rain, Rain, Bring it On.
The Caucus Survey called it: More intergovernmental cooperation, please.
Way ahead of ya, said the Village, New Trier, and Winnetka’s Parks and School Districts. Years of negotiating and a boatload of quid pros netted stormwater collection and holding tanks under Duke Child’s Field, the Winnetka Park District’s Golf Course, and behind Crow Island School.
Thanks to the laws of nature, water will find its way to these tanks from the Tree Streets and Southwest Winnetka [fun factoid: water from southwest Winnetka flows north - welcome to Winnetka!] to be eventually released into the Forest Preserve. Filtered and squeaky clean.
You should start to see progress defined as dug-up streets, sometime late Spring, early Summer. Waiting for final eyes and sigs.
We last wrote about this long, strange trip here. But you can short-sheet it here.
Alright, Alright, Alright: One Winnetka.
It’s baaaack…and with it the hopes and dreams of restaurant go-ers, and downtown dogwalkers everywhere. The promise: blight no more. The deliverable: blight no more. Low bar, indeed.
Dateline: December 7, 2021. Watch video presentation and Trustees’ responses.
One Winnetka Planned Development Concept Plan v Village Council. Again. The developers – new guys same as the old guys but with a new architect and financing. Just taking the concept for a test drive.
The First Time
The Last Time
So Far...
Last time:
4 Stories
90 residences
15,543 sq ft of commercial (excluding Lincoln Avenue office space TBD)
158 Parking spaces above and below ground
This time:
5 stories
74 residences
18,000 sq ft of commercial (again excluding Lincoln Avenue)
158 parking spaces
Conney’s Pharmacy is not in, in case you were wondering. Neither is Phototronics (that building on the corner) – but the developer plans to “refresh” its look and rent it out.
If the developers were looking for direction, that was a hard room to read. Too tall slash too dense morphed into let’s find a way to make this work. And back again.
What the developers came away with, nobody knows for sure. But next stop, should they decide to proceed with this plan or a revised one, is to submit a proposal to the new-ish Planned Development Commission. So far, nothing on their Agenda, but you can bookmark the Village’s Agenda Center. The Village will publish any major progress here.
Streetscape Phase 4 – or Streetscape 2.0?
That block – or two – south of Chestnut and Elm. It’s your turn. Thanks for waiting. Plus, now that residents have experienced the plan with more than stick people in it, it’s as anticipated as curb cuts, pavers, and planters can be.
Part of the Downtown Master Plan - it’s the final phase of the Streetscape & Signage Master Plan. Residents got a full view of it on February 17th at the Village's Open House. Expect more energy, more sweet night lighting, more clinking of glasses and night music as that corner finally comes into its own.
But is that all…?
Hinting that really good things may come to those who wait, Prez Rintz has dropped seedlets of his vision for the Post Office site. And a whole new level of intergovernmental cooperation and community feel-good. Color us more than curious.
Post. Office. Site. Three words with years of side-eyed, cringe-worthy history.
The Village owns it – USPS rents it. Wants, needs, wouldn’t it be nice ifs, and alternatives will be on the table over the months – and possibly years – to come.
Expect the Bennet Plan to be dusted off once again. New to Winnetka? This will be interesting reading. And that old chestnut – rental vs sale of Village property. Four corners of retail may rear its head, as no doubt will parking.
We will keep you ah, posted.
How do Things Get on The Village’s Agenda, Anyway?
Caucus Survey Platforms, pet projects, squeaky wheels, and outright problems – like Stormwater. On February 8th, President Rintz explained to enquiring Trustees, then picked their brains. Watch for stuff like the Green Bay Trail, food scrap recycling, accessible sidewalks, design standards for solar, and more to find their way on to a Tuesday night. On your mind, too? That’s why you elected them.
Want more?
IMEA -] How we work with them. What they do.
What’s a Planned Unit Development and why should I care? Check it out in case you’re wondering why not just grant a bunch of variances and be done with it? While you’re at it, here’s our PUD Ordinance for anyone thinking this might be in their future."
A fun little history of our power plant. Thank you, Historical Society.
More on the Comp Plan as it moves through the process. For now, it’s dating the Plan Commission. Follow its progress here. And don't be a stranger. If you've got an idea for Winnetka, this could be its new home.
Want to know what’s up with what Commission when? The Village has an Agenda Center for that. Totally bookmarkable. Or just sign up for their weekly updates. News you can certainly use coming to your favorite inbox.
Because one man's squeaky wheel is another's eyes and ears. If you see something you think the VC needs to look into, let them know here.
You're welcome.