Four thousand homes. Fourteen thousand residents. There's no alderman. Nobody to call - or blame. This is a do-it-yourself, hands-on town. The good news. But it's complicated.
Inquiring minds. YourWinnetka was started by a bunch of Winnetkans who wanted to make better decisions. To get smart and stay smart about Village issues. We do our homework, and do it again until we think we've got the story and we think we've got it right. We're curious, committed to the truth, and non-partisan. We thought you might be too.
Transparency in this town is not an issue. There's a lot of stuff out there, there, and there. If we can make it easy for our friends, neighbors, and ourselves to get what we need in the short time we have, well, it's been a good day.
YourWinnetka Breaks it Down - Writes it Up - Sends it Fresh to You
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