Spot Check: To TIF or Not to TIF

Introducing the first in a 3-part series on an economic development tool the Village thinks might be able to jump-start downtown revitalization. What it is, why, and what’s in it for you.Get ready to geek-out - it will be worth it.

Winnetka’s 100-year-old infrastructure is becoming about as reliable as a teenager on prom night. And our broken-sidewalk-and heaving-brick downtown is forcing businesses, attracted by our mouthwatering demographic, to move on. 

The Village thinks it’s found a “no-new taxes” way of giving you a downtown that “creates a framework that this community deserves and one that will better support the money we have invested in our homes…”[26:12]. But first, it must convince the Parks, Library, and School Boards to take one for the team.

Bad News is Good News

In 1997, the Illinois State Assembly passed the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Act. 

A gazillion words of govspeak that says towns like Winnetka can fund the renovation of underperforming or declining neighborhoods with the increased tax dollars that are expected to come from those improvements. If the neighborhood and the proposed reno projects qualifyWinnetka’s does.

The East and West Elm Business Districts have been going downhill for years. The Village’s to-do list passes muster.

Here’s how it works.

  • A town’s neighborhood-in-need meets the TIF Act criteria, creates a “TIF District,” projects costs and revenues from those improvements. 
  • Taxing bodies hammer out “Intergovernmental Agreements” (IGAs) - outlining risks, rewards, and mutual responsibilities. 
  • Town establishes a Joint Review Board of stakeholders to keep an eye on the process and progress, gets residents’ buy-in.
  • Town greenlights the ordinance that defines the scope of the renovation, and creates the “TIF Fund” that banks all new tax dollars from the improvements for as long as the TIF is in place.

Why TIF Now? Why Not Taxes or the Village’s Reserves?

That Bird in the Hand Thing

True, the Village penned the One Winnetka deal. But because some of Winnetka’s other taxing bodies get a pretty sizable cut of your property taxes, they're looking at some pretty juicy returns. So sitting on their hands may be a big ask.

Maybe not, says the Village.

Who’s In? Who's Out? Who’s Not Sure?

For now [1:56:00]

  • District 36 – In the boat on a better downtown, but just got rid of $30MM in debt. We've got a to-do list of our own. TIF or taxes? Need help explaining to families. 
  • New Trier – Thanks for the help on our reno, but no quid pro quo. We’ve got constituencies – they’ve got needs. But glad to talk.
  • Library – For now, just want to be at the table.
  • Parks – For now, radio silence.

Those IGAs will be very interesting…

Checks and Balances

  • Winnetka’s never done this before. But other nearby communities [think: Evanston, Highland Park, Deerfield, Skokie, Glenview and more] have been TIF’ing like crazy.
  • If the Village can kumbaya, there’s plenty of paper on how to do it right. 

To recap:

  • State limits how you can spend the money. Public improvements only. No funding private development.
  • State limits spending to only the specific projects outlined in the TIF Fund. And only projects in the TIF District. How Winnetka might spend.
  • Only certain costs are eligible.
  • All taxing bodies continue to receive the base property tax revenues they get at the start of TIF [AKA, Baseline EAV]. Increased revenues end up in the TIF Fund. If the Village can kick-start the TIF before One Winnetka breaks ground, the upside is maxed.
  • The TIF can close out early.
  • Each taxing bodies cuts its own deal.
  • The TIF ordinance can’t be changed without going through the whole process all over again.
  • Next up: Controversy, Questions and Answers. For now…

    Geek Out




October 10th Village Study Session - Know what they know. President explains, Ehler's presents [33.25], Trustees discuss [53:00].


Contact the Trustee of your choice with your questions, comments, concerns, insights.

Spot Check: Great Stuff We Bet You Didn't Know About President Rintz - But Will be Glad You Do Now.

White hair. Black dog. Hard to miss. Even harder to pin down. Unless it’s Saturday, you’re at Starbucks, and you’ve got a beef. Then he’s all ears. And so’s Bailey, Winnetka’s First Dog.


One recent Saturday, we had questions but no beef, so we had to wait our turn. After dispensing with the usual “What’s your finest hour?” ("Stormwater MOU") and “What’s your biggest fear?” ("Stormwater") we dove deep.

What keeps you up at night?

“Our residents and their need - and right - to know how we’re spending their money. Things like stormwater and TIF are very complex issues, and they don’t fit in a soundbite. So I go to neighborhood coffees, meet residents at Starbucks and Peet's, and look for more ways to help them understand the issues that affect them.”

How do you see the role of the Village President and how's it different from your former role as Trustee?

“As a Trustee, your job is to respond to what’s in front of you. The President sets the agenda and guides the discussion, so it's now my job to make sure that what’s put in front of the Trustees accurately and completely represents the vision I have for this Village (and I have one!) while addressing the day-to-day issues that keep our Village running as smoothly and efficiently as it does.”

Strengths and weaknesses? (Sorry, we had to ask...)

“Thanks. They're one and the same. Passion. I love this job.I just have to make sure my passion for the work doesn’t overwhelm the need for patience while others get up to speed.”

How's that working for you?

"Getting there."

This job's "dirty little secret?"

"The amount of time and effort that goes into intergovernmental issues. There is a spotlight on our community. The stormwater negotiations were just one example. I spend a surprising amount of time representing our Village to the regional, county, and neighboring municipalities. There's much more work than what you see on Tuesday nights."

Any models for how to do this job? And while we're at it, the past president you most admire and why. (We're so curious!)

“Gwen Trindle. Because she stayed in the conversation long after her service at Village Hall ended. And she's still at it!"”

The Village Board is only one of Winnetka’s taxing bodies, and although a lot of residents think the Village Council runs the show, it doesn’t. How do you coordinate with Parks, Library, and Schools to make Winnetka work?

“Thanks to the efforts of [New Trier Board President] Greg Robitaille, the presidents of the four boards now meet quarterly to discuss the various issues we’re working on, how they impact one another and how we can work together to avoid redundancy in efforts and resources.”

Quality of life. Why do you think people want to live here? What do you think is special about Winnetka?

"Winnetka has a lot to offer - the lakefront, the Village's walk-ability and sense of history. But it's the people who make it truly a special place - people who I believe want to live here because they recognize the importance of a good education and a comforting lifestyle."

With the spotlight about to be aimed on the Downtown Master Plan, should Winnetka be competing for new residents? If so, how?

“We have to. Affluent, high-performing young families are exiting the city. They used to move here by default, but now they have more choices. In addition to all of our natural attributes, our residents have invested significantly in their properties with the expectation of a reasonable return on that investment. To capture these young families and the energy, commitment and resources they bring to a community, we will have to do more to create an environment that is reflective and supportive of the value of our real estate and our community at large. A vibrant downtown is a huge part of that equation.”

Do you believe in “no new taxes,” and if so what are your thoughts about how to keep Winnetka running?

“I’m not an ideologue. I certainly believe in levying the money we need to provide for the services we expect and deserve. This includes seeking out all the financial resources available to us - from all external revenue sources - to minimize the demand on our residents.”

Reserves are a perennial - and controversial - issue in municipal budgeting. Your thoughts?

“Our Triple A rating is everything. The reserve threshold to maintain that rating is somewhat of a moving target. It’s my policy to follow the advice of our financial advisers who monitor those markets, and maintain our superior rating.”

What’s the most overlooked issue facing Winnetka today?

“Lack of viable housing options for empty-nesters who want to stay in the community.”


"We're working on it."

The ideal resident...?

“Somebody who takes the time to understand the issues and participate regardless of their position.”

Finally, please ask me...?

“How can I participate?”

Because Things Don’t Fit in Soundbites…

Sign Up – for the Village emails

Show Up

  • At the Village Council meetings. Check out the calendar. If you can't make them, check out the videos.
  • At Starbucks – just about any Saturday morning.
  • At Peet's on select Saturdays. Cwoffee twawk with the Village Trustees.

Read Up – Council Meetings have great agenda packets. Pretty much primers on the stuff Trustees use to get up to speed. Know what they know when they know it.

And if you’ve still got questions…

Dial Up – Remember that “How can I participate?” thing? Operators (AKA, President Rintz et al) are standing by. Don’t be a stranger!


You have one more day to complete your Caucus Survey. Talk about not being a stranger! This is your once-a-year chance to let 'em know how you feel. Do it! (And pat yourself on the back for helping to make our Village the best it can be!)

Spot Check: The VC's Sizzlin' Summer. And We're not Talking Temps!

Welcome Back! What You Need to get up to Speed.

No vaca. Not even a stayca. Here’s how your Village Council spent its 97 days of summer.

Hubbard Woods Metra Station is on the mend. Sort of.

Termed "an eyesore and dangerous." Worse yet, we don’t own it. Supposedly, rehabbing Hubbard Woods station was on Metra’s mind, and the Village agreed to rattle the bushes – but gently, since Metra’s default was to close the station down. Touch and timing are everything. Witness: new stairs. Total rehab or a quickie fix? TBD.

Lincoln Avenue Parking Lot gets a facelift.

Evidently nips and tucks over the past several years aren’t enough. The VC approved a full-on facelift. And because that includes permeable pavers to filter stormwater into an underground collection system, the project qualifies as the last of the low-hanging fruit from the Stormwater Master Plan (not to be confused with Strand's alternative-to-the-tunnel plan to help West and Southwest Winnetka with its flooding). The Galleria likes it – says it should eliminate flooding there. Parking passes and timeline: TBD

Tax Increment Financing Feasibility Study deemed TIF, um, feasible.

To no one’s surprise, Ehlers Associates, the Village's consultants, found that the Elm Street Business District (and then some) qualifies as a TIF district under State Statute. (Psst: What’s a TIFHow’d we get here?)

To the VC, this is a no-new-taxes way to fund downtown redevelopment with new property tax revenues generated by, among other things, One Winnetka. But first, it’s got to make the case that without this TIF, the area is not attractive to developers, then convince the School, Park, and Library boards – and other taxing bodies – to take one for the team and forgo their short-term tax revenues for bigger bucks down the road.

Speaking of which…

One Winnetka filed for final approval.

Morphing inexplicably into The WINN, it worked its way through the advisory bodies one last time. Of the Zoning Board, Design Review Board, and Plan Commission, one lone commissioner still not feeling it. Next stop: Village Council to review site engineering, utility, stormwater, and public improvement plans, and make sure final plans look like the preliminary ones it saw nine months ago. Shovel to dirt, TBD.

North Chestnut’s a no-go.

In March, the Village Council decided to repurpose random monies from the downtown revitalization to-do list into an extensive reno of the corner of Spruce and Chestnut. “Fred’s Garage” was already in the process of making that happen, and the area was due for a facelift eventually anyway. Fast forward, bids came in and the lowest of the six was still $151,000 over budget. The Village will re-estimate the project and tee it up for 2018 budget discussions.

The Government Finance Officers Association loved our budget. Again.

For the umpteenth year in a row, the independent GFOA gave us itsDistinguished Budget Presentation Award. Said our budget works as a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide, and is easy to understand. And better than most. Rest easy. If you don’t like the budget, at least, they said you can understand it.

John Swierk filled final Trustee seat.

Admit it, that empty seat was getting kind of creepy. Vacated when then-Trustee Rintz became President Rintz. Trustee Swierk was chosen for past gig and cred. As a former Design Review Commissioner he’s more than familiar with what makes Winnetka Winnetka. And knowing how things work is always a good thing when the cameras are rolling. Swierk will serve until Spring 2018 and then decide – or not – to run for a full term.

Cook County Commissioner Suffredin became Winnetka’s new BFF [6:10]

...when he made the Mother of all Decisions and OK’d the go-ahead on the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). Stormwater solution, giddy-up. In the finest hour of a process that took almost 24 months and redefined “arduous,” President Rintz polled the house [1:27:00] for support for the go-ahead. Unanimous show of hands and most certainly a boatload of votes for Commissioner Suffredin. How-we-got-here's and what's-nexts.

What to Watch for While Root-root-rooting for your Teams.

Team VC promises to be as busy as usual. Team YourWinnetka promises to keep you informed.

  • Water main. 100+ years old and about as reliable as a teenager on prom night. Ironic: the water that gives us so much trouble when it comes into our homes gives us just as much when it doesn’t. The VC’s on that first part, and is teeing up the second. Budget-time can’t come fast enough.
  • Here it comes again. The Post Office property is part of the proposed TIF district, and considering the recent Dwyer Park reno, should make for interesting conversations.
  • The MOU was just the beginning. From the jaws of defeat, the VC will sink its teeth into building a lasting stormwater solution. We’ll bring it to you. Bite by bite.
  • Caucus Survey – coming your way in September. In a town of 4,000 households, there is no “them.” There’s only each of us with a voice, an opinion, and an insight. Complete your survey, submit it, and earn the Village you deserve.

Spot Check: Stormwater. Cook County's In the Boat. Are You?

[Note: This Spot Check was first published in 2017. Since then, the Winnetka Village website has gone through a major reconstruct. Many of the links below no longer work. However, much of the information can be found at the new website’s Stormwater Managment Project Page.]

It took almost two years, but finally last Thursday, as the skies darkened, the North Shore braced, and the media relentlessly texted and tweeted flood warnings, the Cook County Board gave a unanimous thumbs up to aMemorandum of Understanding, green-lighting what will now be known as the "Stormwater Management Wetlands Project,” and ushering in the first day of the end of our water-logged lives.

How many ways can you say, "win-win?"

They get: a totally restored wetlands with a few perks thrown in. We get: a place to put our water...and a totally restored wetlands with a recreation destination thrown in.

If all goes to plan.

MOU. Three Little Letters. One Big Step

A deal? Not exactly. More like a gentleman's agreement, but with a "high degree of certainty that the license agreement necessary for the project will ultimately be approved by the FPDCC Board of Commissioners." 

That "license agreement" thing? Intergovernmental Licensing Agreement, or IGA - puts the period on our partnership with the Cook County Forest Preserve. The handshake. The intergovernmental kumbaya.

The Plan for the Plan?

Getting to the IGA will be a new kind of interesting.

As soon as the VC gives Manager Bahan the go-ahead, Strand will nail down the technical specs creating enough drainage to make Mosquito Abatement’s day and encouraging the kind of positive environmental impact advocacy groups (AKA Open Lands and Friends of the Forest Preserves) dream of.

A recent and major addition to the conditions says we've got to get our upstream ducks in a row before the ink dries on the IGA, so next it's bye-bye Strand's elegant staged rollout, hello multitasking. Fast-tracked. Watch for one-on-ones with the Park District, District 36, and New Trier, Strand for "budget implications," and the VC for how-we're going-to-pay-for-thats. Pretty much in that order.

Finally, one more round with the Cook County Board, back to Strand for final engineering drawings, then out the door for bids. Exhale.

Dateline: TBD. "As much time as it takes to get it right."

In Case You Missed It...

July 2011 got the party started. 6.61 inches of rain in less than 7 hours. Flash flooding. Kids in kayaks. Curb trash. A plan to dump our water into Lake Michigan via an 8-foot diameter tunnel was working its way through the process when the pricetag and environmental concerns landed it on the spring ballot.

The residents said "no thank you," to which then-President Greable said “non-binding” and plopped it dead center into the Village's first Stormwater Master Plan. The Village sold $16.5MM in bonds and created the Stormwater Utility to pay for it. Eventually, the VC declared itself guilty of tunnel vision, shelved the tunnel, and set its sights on moving the water west.

Enter, Strand and Associates with its non-tunnel, non-pump best practices for a 100-year rain event.  After reviewing all $57,717,000 of Strand's recs, the VC decided “the water has to have someplace to go first…” and sent then-Trustee Rintz to negotiate with the Cook County Forest Preserve. 

One-Offing Like Crazy

If it seems like the Village has gone all Winnetka Music Festival, Downtown Master Plan, and Dwyer Park reno, it's also been honey-doing the Stormwater Master Plan, giving some neighborhoods some relief:

  •  Ash Street Pump Station to reduce draw-down times and flooding the the Ash/Hibbard neighborhood.

  • Spruce Outlet (Lloyd) to reduce flooding from Maple Street south to Spruce Street.

  • Spruce Outlet (Tower) to reduce flooding along Spruce Street east to Lake Michigan, and along Tower east of Old Green Bay Road.

  • Winnetka Avenue Pump Station to drain SW Winnetka more effectively.

  • Greenwood/Forest Glen storm sewer system to relieve overland flooding and drain NW Winnetka more effectively.

  • Boal Parkway Improvements and pump station to help relieve ponding.

  • Sewer lining and manhole lining to make the existing stormwater system less “leaky.”

  • Reinstatement of incentives for residential backflow prevention and overhead sewers. 

  • Lincoln Avenue parking lot permeable pavers to address water quality and flooding in parts of north Lincoln Avenue.

Get in the Boat 

This is not just a southwestern Winnetka problem. Think: kids to school, commuters to the Edens, nannies to Mariano's, and everybody to Soccer Saturday. It's that kind of "we're in this together." There is no drawing board. There is no going back. The VC wants you to reeaally, reeaally want this. The Forest Preserve Board will be watching.

  • Read Up – two years of work and every page shows it. Trust us. You will want to know what's in it.

  • Show Up – Tuesday, August 1st, 7:30, Village Hall. 

  • Speak Up – Especially if you've pumped, bailed, or put Stanley Steamer on speed dial. 

  • Check In – If you can't make the meeting, tap, click or dial. Questions go to Trustees; comments go here.

Before You Scrap Your Plans to Move Your Man-Cave to the Attic...

This is Big Picture. Your own stuff still needs you, and the Village is here to help. Plus, there's this nifty Stormwater Q&A.

Still have questions? Trustees and Public Works are standing by. 

Spot Check: What's it Take to Rock Winnetka?

Tats and piercings, polos and khakis, studded boots and flip flops. Hipsters, ex-hippies, suits, and suburbanites. Welcome to 60093, Winnetka Music Festival-style.

What started out last Friday evening as two headliners and a handful of food and drink stop-offs, was rinsed and repeated Saturday with a somewhat smaller, younger daytime crowd that amped up as the sun went down. Headcount: 10,000+

Seventeen acts and 18 local artists including headliners and buskers on four main stages and dozens of intimate venues delivered rock, jazz, country, and “light” rap hand-picked for NorthShore headsets. 

During the 2-day festival, two-year-olds, thirty-somethings and people who remember Woodstock helped Winnetka’s restaurants break their numbers and make new friends. 

No hiccups? No way, but for this year, litter and behavior was suburban-civilized. Skeptics were deafeningly silenced. High-fives. Back slaps. Victory laps.

Festival 1.0: The Secret Sauce

So what did it take to pull off the Feel Good Event of the Year?

  • For Val Haller, a key organizer, founder and CEO of Valslist, and longtime Winnetka resident, her dream of a suburban Lollapalooza took a “highly curated, handpicked lineup” aimed straight at the tastes of the North Shore. “Every single band is one of my top bands and I knew they would appeal to a wide age range…families and grandparents and everyone in between…"
  • Scott Myers, Village Trustee and key organizer’s recipe for success: “To one exciting vision, add 12 high-energy organizers, dozens of committed Village staff members, 17 outstanding professional music groups, 18 highly talented local artists, more than 200 volunteers, 7,000+ hours of planning and organizing, 2 days of beautiful weather, and 1 special lakefront community.  Mix for 18 months and serve.”
  • For Terry Dason, Executive Director, Winnetka-Northfield Chamber of Commerce,“15 months of planning, inviting businesses to learn about the music festival in the early spring, and personal stop-in conversation,” delivered an event where "residents and businesses got to have fun and deepen their engagement and pride in the community.” Next year? “Lots of new ideas to pull in the businesses.”
  • Marc Hornstein, Interim Chief of Police, realized the “unique opportunity for our officers to interact positively with the community” and made that happen with “several months of planning and collaboration with music festival volunteers, other village departments, and stake holders.”
  • Alan Berkowsky, Winnetka Fire Chief, defined success times two: "The training and direction prior to the event made sure both Festival Staff and Public Safety Personnel were on the same page when dealing with an emergency or incident”; and “ramping up staffing to provide for both the Festival and the rest of our residents and businesses.”
  • Steve Saunders, Director of Public Works, downplaying his role as Cattle-Herder-in-Chief, credited “the many planners, staff, and volunteers" with a "terrific job. It is such a pleasure when everyone is working hard toward the same goal and it was a delight for the Public Works team to be a part of such a joyful and well-received event!”
  • Brian Keys, Director of Water and Electric, claimed that while water and electric kept the lights on and the music going, "what impressed me the most was the extraordinary level of organization from the volunteers. No one was standing around waiting for orders – everybody knew what they were doing… I was really impressed.” And speaking of Volunteers…
  • Marcia Sutter, Festival Volunteer Coordinator, believes “It takes a village! And a wonderful working relationship between a core group of organizers, hundreds of citizen volunteers, the many local organizations, and our wonderful village employees. People who answered the call and gave their time and energy.”
  • Jetta Boschen, PR Chair, got the word out early and often with a “a strategic grassroots campaign across all media platforms.” She plans “to continue our efforts as breaking news occurs in anticipation of 2018!” and invites everybody to visit the Festival's website to leave comments and sign up for next year’s news.

Oh, and It didn’t hurt that WXRT featured the Festival in their 93 Days of Summer Calendar,  and that for more than 10 years, Valslist has been building a sweet reputation for promoting and supporting emerging artists. Cred counts.

Rock On, Winnetka!

If next year can’t come soon enough, keep the feel-good going with stuff like this:

...or just hangin’ at one of our great eateries, bocce in Hubbard Woods Park, or meeting friends at the dog beach. See ya!

Spot Check: Let's Make a Deal - The VC Jump Starts the Downtown Master Plan?

Winnetka’s own candidate for "Desperate Landscapes" is about to get a makeover. And the terms “public-private partnership” and “TIF” are about to get a workout. Vroom-vroom, Fred's Garage.


Fred's Garage, at the corner of Spruce and Chestnut, has been behind chain link for the past year. The developer was planning to spend $63,000 on pots, plants, and curb cuts when he found out the Village was going to do pretty much the same - just not right now, and not just there.

Instead, on tap for 2017 was $370,000 of signs, bike racks, parklets and a post office site evaluation - early action items from the Downtown Master Plan. Nevertheless, the developer said "Let's chat." To which the VC replied, "Hmmm."

Open Wide, Gift Horse

In the DMP, but on the shelf for now, was a $482,000 reno of that entire block - infrastructure and streetscape - from Spruce south to the alley, both sides.

On March 7th, Team Winnetka wondered what would happen if it stuck a pin in the early action items, took that $370,000 and the developer's $63,000, found a source for the remaining $49,000, and showed residents and future developers what downtown revitalization really looks like. Years ahead of schedule.

Trustee-on-trustee ensued. Some raised eyebrows, others leaned in.

Headnods -

  • The project could show quick results while waiting for One Winnetka's part of the streetscape plan to get going.
  • The project's per-unit-cost data could help future developers and the Village bid better.
  • Other people’s money could help get done what was on the books anyway.
  • The corner wouldn't need to be redone to DMP specs later.
  • The VC would DIY the project, shaving bucks from Teska's management fee.

Back-and-forths -

  • Would going off-script risk action items?
  • Would piece-mealing make rollout of the Master Plan harder?
  • Would the payback be worth changing course?
  • Would this set a too-interesting precedent?
  • Would adjacent properties want in?
  • Does the project go far enough?
  • Could we get more for our money?
  • Can it be done during this construction cycle?
  • Can their vision and our vision find happiness?

Spring Clean-Up

Over the next several weeks, the VC will look at financing options, review the old "don't-call-it-a-streetscape plan" and possibly have a sit-down with its authors, the Lakota Group, (of the Hubbard Woods Park, Duke Childs Field, and Lakefront renos) to see if there's any "there" still there. And find out if any other retailers want in. Without losing sight of those bike racks, parklets, signs and Post Office eval. Oh, and staff will keep the convo going with the developer. Same page on notice.

“Financing Options?”

Five of them were proposed, one was discussed. The rest are in the pocket in case the TIF doesn’t win the toss. Think special service areas, home rule sales tax, business district designation, and land write-downs, with fund-raising a distant 5th.

What's a TIF?

Tax Increment Financing. Controversial. Uses the increased taxes from the increased value of a development to pay for the cost of developing property. No new taxes, no bonds, no dipping into reserves. Sweet if property increases in value. Urban development economic death-spiral if it doesn't. And then there's a little issue of who gets the cash if it pays off early and becomes the gift that keeps on giving.

How Would Winnetka TIF?

Step 1: Select a consultant to tell us if what the VC wants to do can be legally financed by a TIF. Check

Step 2: If doable, find out if there's still a taste for TIFs.

Step 3: Go, no go. If no go, special service areas and home rule sales tax are up next. Dateline: "early this summer." Pricetag: $30-50,000.

Many Eyes on the Prize

That bocce court in Hubbard Woods? Look across the street. Goodbye, Hubbard Woods Motors. Buongiorno, Mino's Italian Ristorante. Then there are the acquisitive Hoffmanns who think Winnetka's waaay overdue for a face-lift. And our new full-time Economic Development Coordinator whose job is to BFF future Winnetka businesses. This "partnership," and a TIF might make all of their lives a lot more interesting. Ours, too.

PS: Parklets (color us curious, too)

Less park, more bike racks on steroids - for humans. Particularly for humans under the age of 40. It's a thing with urban planners right now. Trades parking spaces for public places. Economics vs demographics. Will make for interesting convos. Picture yourself parked here, here, and here.

Enough about Them - What about You?

  • If you've read this far, you'll probably be interested in the Village's eDevelopment newsletter. We should have told you about this sooner. Our bad.
  • Want more DMP? Subscribe to the Village's eWinnetka, and bookmark the Calendar and Agenda Materials for what will be discussed when.
  • Want more amperage? The Winnetka Music Festival. Sign up for their newsletter and get ready to rock out. Winnetka gets more interesting every day. We promise to keep you informed.

Spot Check: The Downtown Master Plan - What Kind of a Big Deal is This?

Oh, way more than street signs, bike racks, and parklets. 

One Winnetka - now The WINN - is just the beginning. Winnetka has several more parcels ripe for development. Two - one in Hubbard Woods and another in West Elm - are “in flight” even as we speak.  And then there's that Post Office site.

If the Village Council gets the DMP right, it will be able to manage expectations, save money, increase revenues and make good on its promise to balance “vibrancy” with “Village ambiance.”  [:30] 

If it gets it wrong, it will lock the Village in a divisive game of “where’s mine” for decades to come.

It’s that kind of a Big Deal.

And the Trustees know it. That Study Session on January 10th? That was them hitting full stop/hard return. An Ordinance on the proposed 5-person Implementation Task Force, and a $450K Early Action Plan was headed straight for the January 17th Agenda Packet. Whereases, motion, second, vote, and adjourn. A good day for street signs, bike racks, and parklets.

Low-Hanging Fruit was, Well…Too Low.

 So the Trustees stuck a pin in it and went back to the table. [1:30:30]

  • Trustee Lanphier: Wants the Implementation Task Force plus two. Thinks involving the Advisory Boards is a good idea since they know our zoning laws and why the Village looks like it does in the first place. 
  • Trustee Rintz: Cautions that the original DMP was big picture, declares it's drill-down time. Thinks Streetscape - the plan and the details - could jump-start the DMP, saving time and money if there's any "there" there.
  • Trustee Myers: Me-too's the Streetscape revisit, wishes he'd known more about it sooner. Wants to Goldilocks the size of the Task Force, and thinks it can help the Council move forward faster. All it needs is the right direction.
  • Trustee Ziv: Says it's not that complicated, has had enough meetings. Thinks Teska can help the Task Force, and doesn't see that much work left.
  • Trustee Cripe: Thinks Job #1 is to validate the Plan and prioritize. Wants more info on the C-1 and C-2 Retail Overlay Districtswhat kinds of businesses are allowed there right now, and the permitting process. Let's start with reviewing special use permits.

Cue Revised Scope of Work.

And kind of in this order...

  • Broaden the task force to add “a few” at-large members. Job 1: Review the "Downtown Physical Infrastructure Plan,” AKA Streetscape. TBD 3-4 months.
  • Multi-task. Schedule Council Study Sessions on zoning (code for Retail Overlay Districts including a list of permitted and special uses) and on streamlining the Planned Development Process.
  • Explore financing options. Big Deals need Big Bucks. On the table, taxes to TIFs and everything in between.
  • Provide Advisory Board Commissioner training. Start from scratch – how to hold meetings, parliamentary procedures, etc. - or train them to implement the Plan? TBD. Way down the list, but on everybody's mind.

In the meantime, Channel the Trustees.

Get smart. Check out - 

  • Our recent zoning changes.
  • Winnetka's Retail Overlay Districts and whyNorthbrook’s thinkin’ it wants more retail overlay. 
  • Special uses, exceptions. It's been a long time since The Plan Commission saw a special use request it didn't like, A reason to reduce Village oversight, or temporary economic expediency? Rather than reduce the number and type of uses, Wilmette, maintains control by increasing the number of commercial zones to 9, so that the rght business is in the right place. 
  • TIFs and other ways communities pay for stuff like this. Warning: they’re controversial. But with Winnetka’s zero-based budgeting and balanced budget on the books, the VC will check ‘em out.
  • The 2009 Streetscape Plan. Relevant? Scalable? 
  • Jurisdictional TransfersWilmette did it. So did Kenilworth. And both got the RTA to help fund it. Our ability to control our share of Green Bay and Sheridan roads makes the job of creating a consistent downtown just that much easier. The VC wants to discuss.
  • Our neighbors. Glencoe is patting itself on the back for its recent “tune-up,” and Wilmette's residents and businesses are lovin' the results of its newly-minted DMP.
  • Pay attention to communities you like and why they work for you. Share with your Trustees.

Stay smart.

Connect. Contact the Trustee of your choice with smart questions and insights. They'll thank you, trust us.